Opening Hours
12pm - 2am
jalan raya engku putri Blok D No.8, Tlk. Tering, Batam Kota, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29444, Indonesia
Contact Phone
+62 778 469442

If you don’t believe that Fresh Beer Batam has fresh beer, then you’re very hard to convince. Because the bar is surrounded by wooden kegs and silver brew equipment, and the beer is flowing from taps, and people are way into drinking it. So, what’s your problem? The. Beer. Is. Fresh. And the ambiance is black and white, clean and stark, nothing to hide, just like a beer shop should be.

Oh, and beyond the beer, some of the most exotic dishes you can exoticize in your exotic brain. Mouse Deer Meat. Rattlesnake. Kitten Soul Soup. (Okay, made that last one up, but I bet it would be smooth.) And then, if all that isn’t enough (it is, you should be convinced by now), they’re famous for their Green Beer. Or, as I like to call it, Kermit’s Tears.

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